Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting ready to depart Paris

23 April 2008

Tomorrow morning we leave Paris for Singapore so today was largely taken up with the preparations for leaving. In the morning we took a batch of books down to the San Francisco Book store and traded them for reading material for the flight. Virginia is obviously planning next year's trip as she bought a book about locations one hour out from Paris.

We had decided to eat at Chez Plumeau and were delighted to see that the Double Bass player was there but less than delighted to find the restaurant itself closed for the day. As a momento, we bought one of his CDs from which I am sure we will get great pleasure and very pleasant memories.

Since Chez Plumeau was closed we went back to our second favourite eating place in the Place de Tertre, La Cremellaire.

We had a lovely meal in this bel epoque restaurant and later Virginia walked down to get some flowers for M. Vaucanson as we had been invited to tea in the afternoon. He is, as I have said before, a delightful man. We had mentioned, in the most casual way, that the French did lovely things with Mirabelle or greengage plums. When we arrived for tea he had an elegant greengage tart. He and Virginia rattled on like two trains while I caught about every tenth word. Even so, it is a delightful way to spend a couple of hours.

We came back down to the flat and between packing and cleaning have just about gotten organized. Virginia got M. Vaucanson to call a cab for us for tomorrow morning so we can get to the airport and I probably won't put this on the blog until we get to Singapore.

Au revoir Paris...

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