Monday, April 14, 2008

A Bel Epoque Restaurant

13 April 2008

It's Sunday and we were off to a rather slow start after a pretty busy day yesterday. In fact, other than a bit of housework in the morning, the high point must have been lunch.

We discovered that in the Place de Tertre there was a real bel epoque restaurant, La Cremaillere 1900. The food was excellent, but the real pleasure came from the place itself. Much to our surprise, considering its location, the dining room appeared to be almost a haven for French families having Sunday lunch. You can get some sense of what it was like from the pictures.

After lunch we walked down the 192 (we agreed on the count this time) steps, did a little shopping for dinner and after dropping our supplies off headed for the Musee d'Orsay. In the past we have always gotten the three day museum pass which gives you easy entree to about 60 museums in the Paris area. The only problem with the ticket is that it is three consecutive days and that seems like overkill at times. This year, however, we chose not to purchase the tickets. In part this was because we had two passes to the Louvre and had not anticipated going to any other museums or galleries this trip. To make a long story short, when we arrived at the Musee d'Orsay, the line waiting to buy tickets and get in was at least an hour in length.

Discarding the museum as a bad idea, we decided to take the Metro to nearby Rue du Bac which we had been told was interesting and had lots of very upmarket shops. It probably does, but being Sunday they were closed and many of them had metal grilles in front, making it impossible to even look in the windows.

At this point we decided to call it a day and made our way home. As we came to the front door the heavens opened and the rain came down. What was the line, "Apres moi, le deluge"? That's what we had, le deluge! Coming home was obviously a wise decision.
That's all for today. Tomorrow should be better!

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