Sunday, March 16, 2008

Here we go again

Well, it's a year later and we are all a year older, but still getting around. We're off to Paris again with a short stop in Melbourne and an even shorter lay-over in Singapore. Then it's on to London for a week and from there to Paris via the Eurostar.

Usually Virginia is the one who spends several months getting excited about our annual pilgrimage while I try to not even think about it until a few days before we go. This year, for a variety of reasons, the whole thing seems to have crept up on both of us. Nonetheless, Virginia is packed and I am about half- packed.

I suppose we've been a bit distracted since Will has just gotten engaged to the lovely Philly! The wedding, we are told, will be in October so we will be getting over to Adelaide then, if not before. One can only hope that South Australia has cooled down a bit by then.

Like last year, we are flying with Singapore Airlines. We were very impressed with them and cannot say too many nice things about their staff. Long flights, like these, are awful at the best of times; especially when you travel "tourist" or as a friend of our refers to it, "wing-cling." But our experience has led us to believe that it can be a lot worse with other airlines and frequently is!

For my 70th birthday, Virgina gave me a new camera so prepare yourselves - there will be pictures! We actually depart on the 19th and I'll try to update the blog every few days as we go along. So until next time . . .

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