Friday, March 28, 2008

The British Library and Bath Spa

26 March 2008
Happy Birthday Will

Once again we we're off in different directions. I went to the British Library to look at some ephemera related to the sinking of the Princess Alice. For more detail about that, go to my Victorian History Blog ( Since I did not have a reader's card, I had to get one and that reminded me of when last I tried to get one for the British Library. Back in 1967 when the Library was still part of the British Museum I applied for a reader's card only to discover that they were very difficult to get. This time, the process took about fifteen minutes and two documents; one with my signature and another with my address. Very easy. Unfortunately, as the gentleman processing my application commented, "It's too easy now; there isn't room enough for serious scholars with all the children sent here by their schools."

Virginia caught an 8.00am train to Bath for a sentimental journey. We had booked the trip in advance, from Hobart. As we probably told you last year, booking in advance saves an enormous amount of money, but you are locked into the times for which you booked. Even so, if you can do it, it is a great deal.

The trip was for Virginia to meet up with her old friend Michael Kelly whom she has known for forty-seven years. They drove around some of Wiltshire and Somerset's best scenery including Laycock Abbey and Bradford on Avon. She had a delightful day visiting old haunts and pubs and reminiscing.

While Virginia was exploring the West Country countryside, I decided to spend some time on the tops of buses. Generally I prefer to travel using the Tube because it is faster and I am usually less interested in the trip than in the destination. This afternoon, though, I walked up to Paddington Station where I caught a bus to Picadilly Circus; a most enjoyable trip which included lovely views of Regent street from the top of the bus.

The weather has been a bit milder. We are not finding gloves and scarves an essential item of dress but we are told that the next couple of days are going to be very wet. Ah well, in only two days we will be in Paris (where it is also wet).

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