Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday, 9 May (I think)

Got into Singapore and went straight to bed. The changes in time and the long sleep on the plane coming out made for a restless night. We are now in the Qantas lounge waiting for the call for our flight from Sydney. Home tomorrow night!

Well here we are in Sydney - or at least at the airport where we are waiting for Virginia's bag which was picked up by someone else with a very similar bag. We debated keeping their bag, but decided that if we did all it would probably contain would be a months supply of dirty knickers.

So, here we wait until they return from wherever they are. Fortunately the baggage service here was very efficient and rang them on both of their mobiles, finally getting someone in Gosford. We hope the bags will be sorted out within the hour!

The bags were sorted out, we went to our hotel and crashed!

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