Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Friday, 5 May 2006

Our last day in Paris. A housekeeping day, cleaning the flat, doing laundry, changing bed linen. We did treat ourselves to a nice lunch at Chez Ginette on Rue Caulincourt. This is a wonderful street, just around the corner from us in Rue Cyrano de Bergerac. It is definitely not a tourist area but services the many hundreds of apartments nearby. It is more of a boulevard than a street; wide and tree-lined. Lots of patisseries, charcuteries, boucheries, alimentation generale and best of all, chocolatieries! There is also a primary school where, today, we noticed on the outside wall they proudly displayed their class photographs. Go half-way around the world and some things never change.

An interesting note about primary schools here is that they are very private and you cannot see into them behind the high walls. Very security conscious. Also we find it interesting that primary school children attend school on Monday and Tuesday, sometimes Wednesday morning sometimes not at all, Thursday and Friday and Saturday morning. So the week is split into two parts. This seems educationally sound, however, the days are very long with the children not leaving school until early evening although we understand they have a long mid-day break.
Still gorgeous weather although thunderstorms are predicted tonight and tomorrow. Isn't that just our luck - leaving here in the midst of a downpour and trying to find a taxi?

Qantas would not, on our frequent flyer points, route us direct to and from Paris (there aint no such thing as a free flight) so we have an overnight stopover in London, then on to Singapore, Sydney (overnight) and Hobart.

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