Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday and we are going on to London tonight. This morning I went for a long walk through Singapore with Sam Wong and saw the new Parliament House, the new Singapore School of Management and the Singapore Entertainment Centre. The walk along the river was lovely and there are a number of street sculputers that are quite outstanding. My favourite is of the boys diving into the river. While I was out walking Ginnie stayed back in the room claiming she would be doing the ironing but when I returned she was out and when she returned it was with several bags with designer names thereon!

We were picked up at the hotel by Steven Tan, Valerie's Dad, who must have a sixth sense about Ginnie's primary love (and I don't mean me). He took us to the Singapore Cricket Club where we had a lunch in the members. He also treated us to Singapore Cricket Club shirts which we will wear with pride and to the envy of some (get that Wilba). It was lovely to see him and hear that he is very pleased with the way Jane is caring for his daughter.

This afternoon we were joined by Stephen Phua, Sarah and Victoria. They were very pleased to hear the news from Jane and Stephen has suggested the setting up of a Singapore chapter to bring together past and present students of Jane, their families, the education agents, etc. He was very enthusiastic about this and plans to contact Jack. During the summer he had current Jane Singapore students to his home and they seemed enthusiastic about the meeting.

We are now sitting in the QANTAS lounge at Singapore airport and probably won't be in touch for a while as we prepare for the long haul to the UK and Paris.

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