Monday, April 24, 2006

Saturday, 22 April 2006

Warm weather seems to have arrived and it is in the mid-twenties. Very pleasant indeed, although we will be quite happy if it doesn't get any warmer. We are short of "summer" clothes but can just manage "spring."

Today we took the advice of one of our guidebooks and did a walking tour around the Ile St-Louis. It is obviously what must be one of the "desirable addresses" in Paris if not the world. This, according to our guidebook, has been the case since the seventeenth century. One would have to say it is a "stable" neighbourhood! All the buildings are works of art and the views up and down the river are sensational taking in, as they do, the dome of the Pantheon, the back of Nortre Dame and glorious views of the Seine. Prices, we feel sure, come accordingly.

We walked from the Ile St-Louis to Les Halles, which Bruce had not seen and while we did not go into the shops, we enjoyed the park before getting a bus back to our neighbourhood. Our neighbourhood is one in which many young families starting out live. There are lots of babies and wonderful baby shops with all sorts of gorgeous clothes, prams and toys. However there are no back yards here since people live in seven, eight and nine story apartments often in only 40-50 square metres.

It is now 7.30 pm and the children are out playing in the side streets with their scooters and their bikes. There are also many parks but in the usual French style, very little, if any, grass. Still, they are often a pleasant respite from the hustle and bustle of the streets and afford playground and gym equipment for youngsters.

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