Spring is here! The first lilacs have appeared on the streets sold by gypsies and as we walked back to the flat a number of women commented: "Oh, Madame, C'est printemps,les lilas sont arrives." And it certainly was a breath of spring as the thermometer struggled up to 16 degrees today.
We ambled along the banks of the Seine, looking at what the many bookstalls had on offer. The reality is that most of it is cheap souvenirs, but interspersed with the junk, every so often, there is a real treasure. Or so we are told. Unfortunately we didn't find any.
After stopping for coffee, we crossed back to the right bank to catch the bus and admired some of the architecture, particularly the Hotel Feiubet which dates from the sixteenth century. We returned home on the bus. Interestingly it was the same bus route that we travelled on yesterday, but today the drivers seemed to have their act together and the trip was rapid and incident free.
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