The Cheater
While I was admiring French paintings, Virginia was admiring French grammar. On the advise of her French friend in Hobart she went to Librairie Gibert Joseph on Boulevard St Michel. I thought she was going off to look at clothes or shoes but no, Virginia's passion is French grammar. Boy, can she conjugate those irregular French Verbs! This shop is situated right in the centre of the student quarter and is seven floors of books of every description. Virginia would probably have spent longer in the quarter, but there was a student protest and while it was probably just being rowdy, she felt uncomfortable enough to move on.
We actually went into the city centre on the same bus and then separated to go our own ways. Riding on the buses is very interesting. Buses do have designated places to stop but because of traffic they are often at a standstill in the street. If someone comes up and bangs on the door it is usually opened so they can board. On board, no matter how crowded, people tend to help one another. For example, yesterday a woman with a baby in a stroller was getting off and the stroller started to pitch forward. Several people both aboard the bus and in the street grabbed the stroller to keep the child from tipping out.
The apartments in which people live may, in the more modern or more expensive areas have elevators, but many do not. Our building, for example, is six stories high and there is no elevator. Last year we met an elderly couple sitting on the stairs and the woman said to Virginia J'ascende lentement. Stores here do deliver and this is, of course, a great help to those who have to maneuvre a child up six flights of narrow stairs or who are elderly and cannot carry shopping that far.
We discovered one problem with the apartments and the security which took us quite by surprise. Coming home we could not get into the building. All efforts failed. Then we realised there was a power failure. Fortunately one of our neighbours saw us and came down to open the doors for us. Just as we got in, the power came back on.
View of the Seine
Before going to the Louvre, I walked along the river and as always, ejoyed it immensely. Certainly there is no reason to ever be bored in Paris when one can stroll along the bank of the Seine. The bookstalls were open and doing a thriving business, the river was full of boats and the views were spectacular.
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